Open Communication

Throughtout the time you are in a treatment session the Osteopath will talk through what they are doing, going to do and why. We want to provide open diagologe as we go, so you are able to ask questions and be given the oportunity to express sensations, discomfort and/or allivation. This is of importance, it allows expecations to be met and we can ensure treratment is specific to the patient.

What to wear?

Loose fitting clothes are best so we are able to move your joints freely and will be more comfortable throughout the session. We may ask you to remove items of clothing like top or trousers so we can observe your posture and movements more accurately – after which you can put said item back on if you wish.

What happens at the first appointment?

The first time you visit we will go through a detailed case history covering your medical history and the reason why you came. After completing the case history we move on to examination. Which generally involves a series of simple movements, reflexes and some specific musculoskeletal tests; these may vary depending on the case history. Osteopaths then use palpation (a highly developed sense of touch) to detect abnormalities in muscle tone, joint mobility etc. All this information helps us to arrive at a diagnosis. Once we have completed the tests we will discuss our findings with you and let you know what we specifically feel is causing your discomfort, whether treatment is appropriate and what we recommend.

What happens during treatment?

Osteopaths use wide variety of osteopathic treatment techniques. These techniques may include rhythmic joint movements, soft tissue and connective tissue stretching or high velocity thrust techniques (which often give an audible click) to improve the range of movement of a joint. Gentle massage and stretching techniques are often used, particularly when treating children or elderly patients.
Your osteopath will also give you advice on what to avoid to reduce the likelihood of aggravating the injury and potential adaptation you may want to make to your lifestyle to maintain and encourage healthy living.

How long is each appointment?

Your first visit with us is approximately 60 minutes. Follow up appointments last 30 minutes.

What can I expect post-treatment?

The next 12hrs post treatment you can feel sore like you’ve had a gym workout or post-exercise soreness, however this normally last anymore than 24hrs. Feel free to give us a call if you have any concerns.

Some people can feel tired post-treatment from having time to relax and having muscles and joints worked on within the treatment session.

If you want to cancel an Appointment?

Please let us know as soon as you can to Cancel your appointment, as this mean the time can be used to help someone else.

I have a concern and/or complaint?

If you have a complaint or concern about the level of care you have received from an osteopath or any other member of staff, please let us know. We hope that most problems can be sorted out quickly and easily with the person concerned. If your problem cannot be sorted out in this way and you wish to make a complaint, please let us know as soon as possible.

Please ask for an appointment with the principal of the practice or alternatively write to him/her. If your complaint is about the principal and you do not want to talk or write to him/her directly, please contact another therapist in the practice. We will investigate your complaint during the following few days and will aim to:-

Find out what happened and what went wrong.

  • Make it possible for you to discuss this with those concerned if this is what you would like.
  • Make sure you receive an apology if this is appropriate.
  • Identify what we can do as a practice to ensure that this problem does not arise again.
  • If you are complaining on behalf of someone else, we will need a note of consent from the person concerned.

British Osteopathic Association Complaints Resolution Service

If you do not feel that your complaint has been resolved to your satisfaction you can talk to an independent source about it by ringing the British Osteopathic Association on Freephone 0800 110 5857, or email:boa@osteopathy.org.

General Osteopathic Council

If you are concerned about safety and you wish to instigate a formal complaint with the regulatory body, the General Osteopathic Council can be contacted on 0207 3576655. Please note that the General Osteopathic Council cannot award compensation.